Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Dear Ms.Poyo,

Tak payah la ko nak tipu aku cerita pasal kekayaan bapak ko tuh.Ko pakai keta gini gitu.Family ko ade business beso la.Ko keje bagus la.Gaji ko banyakla.Ko nak bangge and riak ngan orang lain yang kerja ko bagus.Padehal semua org tau, ko keje ape n salary ko bape.Please la cik poyo.We cannot stand your poyoness.We all know the truth la dey. Dahla penipu, riak pulak.Siap cakap pulak kt one of us yg keje dia tu keje cikai jela..xleh nak banding ngan keje ko.WTF la wei?
Ko dtg umah aku, ko nak cite la,bapak ko pakai keta bla..bla..bla..erghhh..pls laa wei.Pastu cerita la kat aku yg ko dpt offer keje gempak²..da hell?Ko igt aku heran sangat ke ko keje ape ke.gaji ko bape ke.rezeki tuhan dah bagi.tak retik bersyukur ke?ko igt tuhan xleh tarik rezeki ko blk?I dun understand why ko nak tipu kiteorg and bersikap sgt riak?Ko igt kiteorg ni poyo like you n kiteorg xleh pikir la yg ko tu just acting poyo?'re so pathetic Ms Poyo.I pity you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day Out

Lepas keje Ahad hr tu, I hang out with my friends..watching "Norbit"..sgt klaka..I laughed all the time and we really had fun that day. Poor Am..he had a fight with his girlfriend and its like his girl dun wanna see him nymore..the girl told him she needs time to think..haih..its ok my dear.You have us isnt it?as for Ana,she's doing well with her job and boyfriend and fyi, her boyfriend was my ex-classmates too...aha..and as for Ijat, he's doing perangai menyakat org mmg tak hilang..hehe..har,of course la bile dh kuar same²..we took pictures but Ijat was no in it coz dia dtg lmbt..hihih..Thank You friends..I dun know what to do without u guys.You really made my day.MuaX.Sayang korang banget.

Btw, we've been planning to go to Perhentian Island on April..harr..besh x besh?i've been dying to go to there since my diploma year..ish.can't wait.

Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees

My all time favourite song :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

me nephew

Sangat geram ngan budak ni..why did u leave me Azhad?why did u go to your tok wan's house?wuuuu..Auntie Lang miss you like hell.Auntie Lang sedeh Azhad takde..wuuuuuu

Thursday, February 15, 2007


"Sometimes I feel
Like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel
Like my only friend
Is the city I live in
The city of angels
Lonely as I am
Together we cry"
RHCP-Under The Bridge

..I miss my adik.Adik, Pls come back.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a note to myself

This are just few things happened to me for these 2 weeks..huhuh..I have to write it in my blog for my future just ignore it..
unsure date-set the aux for 80 minutes..lupe nak auto in..erkh! (have mentioned it to my supervisor)
06/02/2007-Orentation training until 5:00 pm
12/02/2007-Helping my colleague to solve big boss prob from am-pm (sgt hangin)
13/02/2007-Malas tahap max nak buat keje..doing nuthin..miahahaha
11-13/02-Pegi sauna..3 days straight with Rose..overnite kt umah dia..merayap at uptown damansara and makan kt mapley..suddenly MBSA dtg angkut sme meja kosong kt mapley tuh.Buat bodo..kept on makan dan sembang.btw,the MBSA peeps sgt comel..(sempat lg usya :P )
14/02/2007-Received sms from "him" on 1:15 am..x reply sbb dh tdo.on the morning bru reply.
Btw, Happy Valentine's Day y'all..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a day with my all my "sayangs"

Dah 10 tahun tak jumpa my long lost on saturday i've met them.they are physically changed a lot but perangai sama je x berubah..gile gak cm we talked and laughed a lot that day and we really..really..had fun..sgt gumbiraa..hehe..ok lah..malas nak cite pjg² are some of the pictures we took that day..

Thursday, February 08, 2007

tak sabar..

i am so excited to meet my ex schoolmates dis saturday..ya Allah....udah lama banget guwe ngga ketemu ama mereka dech.. this is all because of friendster thingy...owh,can't wait to see them and scream excitedly..hahaha..there must be lots of stories to tell and share with them..eeeeee..sexcitednyeee..opss..excitednyeeee...